Monday, December 9, 2013
What would it be like to live in a snow globe...
We made snow globes to go along with our writing about what it would be like if we lived in a snow globe. They look fantastic!
Snow Globe on PhotoPeach
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
We travelled into space...
Look at room 23 having a great time in space!
Trip into space! on PhotoPeach
Trip into space! on PhotoPeach
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Our Trip to Stardome Observatory
On Wednesday 23rd October Room 23 & 22 went to stardome observatory. There was so much to see and learn. Here are some of the interesting things we learnt yesterday:
M.I - A rocket could go around the Earth 7 times in one second
C.A - My favourite bit was when we watched the story of the cardboard rocket ship
C.F - I learnt the length of the planets in miniature
W.H - I learnt the outer solar system is the gas giants and the inner solar system is the rocky midgets
A.S - I learnt that the red spot on jupiter lasts longer than any storm in the universe
M.A - I learnt that mercury is the closest planet to the sun
K.F - My favourite bit was when the cardboard rocket visited Jupiter
S.D - I learnt that Uranus is tipped on its side
S.P - I learnt that saturns rings are made out of rock and ice
J.W - When we saw the samples of rocks that they found on the moon
M.M - I learnt that jupiter had a red hole
R.P - I learnt that saturn can float on a big cup of hot chocolate
J.S - I learnt that venus is hotter than mercury because it can melt metal
R.W - I learnt that Jupiter was the biggest planet
K.R - My favourite bit was watching the galaxies when we were in the planeterium
R.N - I learnt that Neptune has rings and that Uranus has been tipped on its side
N.L - I learnt that pluto is the furtherest planet from the sun
S.V - My favourite part was learning that earth goes round the sun 365 times and 1 quarter then every 4 years it is 366 days
S.Y - I learnt that Jupiter the weather is so cool and dusty
J.D - I learnt that some of the planets are made out of gas
R.O - My favourite bit was when we got to look at the cool gadgets
Z.A - I learnt that Uranus has rings
W.C - My favourite bit was when I got to be Mercury in the solar system when we were in the space room
Friday, October 18, 2013
Our descriptive sentences!
W.H There was ginormous sand dunes and lots of that heat burning sun on Mars.
K.R Astronauts wore cream, white suits and huge bulky boots. Rovers would cautiously scatter across the unstedy ground. It was frightening for every brave man, who walked across Saturn.
R .W My friend Bob is going to the moon, the moon is dusty dark and as hard as steel.
K.R Astronauts wore cream, white suits and huge bulky boots. Rovers would cautiously scatter across the unstedy ground. It was frightening for every brave man, who walked across Saturn.
R .W My friend Bob is going to the moon, the moon is dusty dark and as hard as steel.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Blast off into space!
This term we are going to be looking at 'Our place in space' and why Earth is the planet for us!
It is going to be a lot of fun and I am sure we will all learn a lot about our galaxy.
3...2....1.....BLAST OFF!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Special visitor in Room 23
We were very lucky to have Miss Fels' pet bird come and visit us today in Room 23! His name is Popeye and he is a lovebird. He is 3 years old and verrrrry friendly. Popeye enjoyed making new friends and can't wait to come and visit again. Our buddy classes Room 2 and Room 8 enjoyed having him read with us during buddy reading and even lucky Room 18 came and visited too.
What a busy day. Popeye definately needs some rest now! Popeye on PhotoPeach
What a busy day. Popeye definately needs some rest now! Popeye on PhotoPeach
Monday, September 9, 2013
Cross Country 2013
Well done to the year 4,5 & 6 children who ran cross-country on Friday. Congratulations to all of our winners!
Cross Country 2013 on PhotoPeach
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Wearable Art Models
Room 23 made some wonderful wearable art models for homework over the last couple weeks. Here are a few shots of the creative creations!!!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Book character day!
What a successful book character dress up day! Room 23 were very creative with their costumes and well done to R.P for being the winner of our class :) you all looked fantastic! Of course a special mention to Mrs Reid for having the BEST teacher costume!!!
Monday, August 12, 2013
Author visit
We were very lucky to have two authors come and visit us today for book week. They told some very interesting stories and were very funny. We hope to keep reading some more of their wonderful stories.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
World of Maths
On Tuesday 6 August Room 23 went to the World of Maths show! There were so many things to do and look at. Take a look at these photos and leave a positive comment please :)
World of Maths on PhotoPeach
World of Maths on PhotoPeach
Monday, July 15, 2013
Here is an interesting fact about recycling....
Interesting Fact of the day:
- Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to listen to a full album on your iPod. Recycling 100 cans could light your bedroom for two whole weeks.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Keeping Ourselves Safe
We were working together to sort out safety cards. Room 23 did a great job of identifying unsafe or safe situations.
Monday, July 8, 2013
House day activities
On Friday 5 July we had house activities during the afternoon. Here are some snapshots of the creations that were made in Room 23 on Friday. It was great to see everyone working together and helping each other. We have such creative minds at Botany Downs School :)
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Oh what a night...
Here are some photos of the hall during the disco! The lights were fantastic and everyone had a really good time. So great to see all the kids showing their dance moves on the dance floor!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
SCHOOL DISCO! Friday 21st June
It is our school disco this Friday at 6.30pm til 8.30pm! Don't forget to come along and have a boogie :)
Gold coin donation
Be in to win lots of prizes!
It will be so much fun and I can't wait to see you all there!!!
Gold coin donation
Be in to win lots of prizes!
It will be so much fun and I can't wait to see you all there!!!
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Reflection Time in Room 23
Reflection time in Room 23!
Our most memorable thing that we have learnt this term is.......
Our most memorable thing that we have learnt this term is.......
- Some foods can be reversible - C.F
- Did my first experiment that I ever made was cream to butter - W.H
- Learning how to make pancakes - Z.A
- Learnt about liquids, gases and solids - J.L
- How to make bread - K.F
- Pancakes changes from a liquid to a solid when cooked - O.R
- If you put salt in water it dissolves - W.C
- You can change ice into a liquid when you melt it - N.L
- Make butter by shaking cream - M.I
- Learning about things that are symmetrical - K.R
- Some maths strategies can be used for maths questions and it makes them really easy - S.V
- Describing words for smelling, tasting and feeling - S.P
- Learnt how to draw a butterfly - M.A
- That yeast does 3 things, rises, gives it flavour, makes it stick together - J.S
- What the 4 main ingredients of ice-cream is: sugar, cream, glucose and milk - R.W
- More maths strategies for harder questions - A.S
- How to draw a detailed butterfly - R.N
- More than one type of salt and it doesn't taste nice - R.O
- How to make a pictograph - C.A
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Pancake Morning!
Wednesday 29th May, Room 23 made pancakes to see what changes happened. The mixture started off as a solid and when we added the eggs and milk it turned into a thick liquid. When it was poured into the fry pan it slowly turned into a solid. They were delicious!
Poetry with Mrs Holmes
Butter, butter, butterfly! Why do you fly so high?
You are very honest, you never lie
Ooh don't get your wings wet you won't dry.
So please don't go now bye bye
Butter, butter, butterfly!
By R.W
Beautiful butterfly flying high
Use you wings to fly high
They are very thoughtful
They always know where they are
Every butterfly is beautiful
Really bright colours
Flutters around all over the place
By J.D
Butterfly, butterfly show your grace
Butterfly as you go from place to place
Butterfly you're my friend, my mate
Butterfly, butterfly you will fall from the sky so high
Butterfly as you die.
By K.R
Butterflies butterflies start plump and green
Butterfly butterfly have worst enemies
Butterfly butterfly have nothing to fear when they have wings
Butterfly butterfly may you rest in peace
Butterfly goodbye my friend.
By R.O

Friday, May 17, 2013
Bread Making
As part of our inquiry topic we made bread on Friday 17 May. We learnt that yeast is an ingredient in bread and it does three main things. These are to help make the bread rise, make it taste yummy and make it stick together so it doesn't fall apart when we pick it up. It was delicious!
Check out the photos that we took.
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Friday, May 10, 2013
Wet lunch day activities
Some boys from Room 23 have been building some models during wet lunch time. Check out these photos. Hope the sun comes back out for us soon so we can play outside!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Cream to butter..... How did that happen?!?
Today we made cream into butter. Here are some photos of how the cream started out and what it looked like at the end of the experiment. Keep posted to find out how we did it!
<<< Step 1
<<< Step 2<<< Step 1
<<<Step 3
<<<STEP 4!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Term 2 here we come....
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Monday, April 15, 2013
Success is like.....
We have been writing some similes to describe what success means to us. Here are some of the creative ones that we have come up with.
Success is like reaching the top of Mount Everest - A.S
Success tastes like dark chocolate with peppermints in it - K.F
Success is like eating tens of thousands of lollies - M.A
Success is like scoring the winning goal in soccer - R.W
Success tastes like a bright start dribbling down your throat - M.I
Success is like beating my Dad at golf - J.L
Success is like rolling down a hill on a warm summer's evening - K.R
Success is like touching the top of the sky tower - W.C
Success is like wriitng the longest story in the world - E.K
Success is like painting a picture with all the colours in the world - J.D
Success is like reaching the top of Mount Everest - A.S
Success tastes like dark chocolate with peppermints in it - K.F
Success is like eating tens of thousands of lollies - M.A
Success is like scoring the winning goal in soccer - R.W
Success tastes like a bright start dribbling down your throat - M.I
Success is like beating my Dad at golf - J.L
Success is like rolling down a hill on a warm summer's evening - K.R
Success is like touching the top of the sky tower - W.C
Success is like wriitng the longest story in the world - E.K
Success is like painting a picture with all the colours in the world - J.D
Monday, March 25, 2013
We are lucky because....
We have been writing about why we are lucky as part of Saint Patricks Day on 17th March. We also made four leaf clovers to represent all the things that make us lucky.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Agent P!
Lucky R.W got Agent P this week after he has been on long, long holiday! She has been caught showing the value Courtesy and Manners. Congratulations R.W.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
The awesome night Race
One spooky night I bought a V8 engine nissan skyline. It went 365KPH and has a cool flame design.The next morning my friend Jake told me there was a street race tomorrow on Cormack Street.So I went to a nitro shop. In the nitro shop the ower was short as. The shop was empty because all the things were sold out. It was getting late so I went to bed. The next morning I had eggs on toast.I trained myself on westin springs speedway.Ring ring my phone rang jake said "the race is cancelled BOO HOO".I went home and had dinner.I wished that there was an other race.5 days afterI had to hire a coach.So I hired a coach and he was a good one.I liked him because he was kind and handsome.
Computer world
A firey phoenix glides and goes into the the dragons mouth. Stephen and I ran away into a rocky cave till the fight ended. Time passed as we waited then we couldn't wait anymore so we decided to get out of the cave and fight.So we got our bow and arrow and shot it at the dragon.While the phoenix was in the dragons mouth and the phoenix threw fire balls in he dragons mouth and the phoenix got out and the dragon died.We called all our friends White Lighting,phoenix,Roc,griffin and the minotaur VS the Cylops.We had the first strike on the Cylops.White Lighting used fire breath on the Cylops. So we decided to do all our attacks at the same time.So when we did it the Cylops was dead. We won.Then a bunch of zobies came "Oh no"said stephen "Here we go again!"
Formula 1 UK finals
In 2020 I am going to the Formula 1 finals. I felt scared becuase there were 1,000,000,000's of people in a ginormous stadium. I thought I was going to lose because the car had prolems. I said "hopefully I can beat Regan and come 1st!" My coach Chase said, "I can do it!' 'I said, ''I can do it!''. The crew said, "we think it's fine." I shouted "fine it is supposed to be great." I put on my helmet and fire proof redbull suit and got in the redbull car lots of people shouted "go William." I said in my head, "I can do it." Then they said, "3, 2, 1, go!!" All the cars went buzzzz. I was coming 11th... 10th... 8th...7th... 5th... 3rd... 2nd... Regan was coming 1st we were on our final lap....
Friday, March 8, 2013
We had a real treat today...
R.N from Room 23 went tomato picking yesterday and he brought us back some DELICIOUS relish with crackers and cheese! We were so lucky, it was yummy, thank you so much R.N.
R.W the Magician
We have a magician in our class! I wonder how she does it..... A good magician never tells their tricks :)
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
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