Butter, butter, butterfly! Why do you fly so high?
You are very honest, you never lie
Ooh don't get your wings wet you won't dry.
So please don't go now bye bye
Butter, butter, butterfly!
By R.W
Beautiful butterfly flying high
Use you wings to fly high
They are very thoughtful
They always know where they are
Every butterfly is beautiful
Really bright colours
Flutters around all over the place
By J.D
Butterfly, butterfly show your grace
Butterfly as you go from place to place
Butterfly you're my friend, my mate
Butterfly, butterfly you will fall from the sky so high
Butterfly as you die.
By K.R
Butterflies butterflies start plump and green
Butterfly butterfly have worst enemies
Butterfly butterfly have nothing to fear when they have wings
Butterfly butterfly may you rest in peace
Butterfly goodbye my friend.
By R.O

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