Monday, April 15, 2013

Success is like.....

We have been writing some similes to describe what success means to us. Here are some of the creative ones that we have come up with.

Success is like reaching the top of Mount Everest - A.S

Success tastes like dark chocolate with peppermints in it - K.F

Success is like eating tens of thousands of lollies - M.A

Success is like scoring the winning goal in soccer - R.W

Success tastes like a bright start dribbling down your throat - M.I

Success is like beating my Dad at golf - J.L

Success is like rolling down a hill on a warm summer's evening - K.R

Success is like touching the top of the sky tower - W.C

Success is like wriitng the longest story in the world - E.K

Success is like painting a picture with all the colours in the world - J.D


  1. That is really true

  2. Success is being your best at all times no matter what is happening

  3. Success is being your best no matter what is happening

  4. Hey R23, these are as great as the greatest superstar ever!
