Thursday, October 24, 2013

Our Trip to Stardome Observatory

On Wednesday 23rd October Room 23 & 22 went to stardome observatory. There was so much to see and learn. Here are some of the interesting things we learnt yesterday:
M.I - A rocket could go around the Earth 7 times in one second
C.A - My favourite bit was when we watched the story of the cardboard rocket ship
C.F - I learnt the length of the planets in miniature
W.H - I learnt the outer solar system is the gas giants and the inner solar system is the rocky midgets
A.S - I learnt that the red spot on jupiter lasts longer than any storm in the universe
M.A - I learnt that mercury is the closest planet to the sun
K.F - My favourite bit was when the cardboard rocket visited Jupiter
S.D - I learnt that Uranus is tipped on its side
S.P - I learnt that saturns rings are made out of rock and ice
J.W - When we saw the samples of rocks that they found on the moon
M.M - I learnt that jupiter had a red hole
R.P - I learnt that saturn can float on a big cup of hot chocolate
J.S - I learnt that venus is hotter than mercury because it can melt metal
R.W - I learnt that Jupiter was the biggest planet
K.R - My favourite bit was watching the galaxies when we were in the planeterium
R.N - I learnt that Neptune has rings and that Uranus has been tipped on its side
N.L - I learnt that pluto is the furtherest planet from the sun
S.V - My favourite part was learning that earth goes round the sun 365 times and 1 quarter then every 4 years it is 366 days
S.Y - I learnt that Jupiter the weather is so cool and dusty
J.D - I learnt that some of the planets are made out of gas
R.O - My favourite bit was when we got to look at the cool gadgets
Z.A - I learnt that Uranus has rings
W.C - My favourite bit was when I got to be Mercury in the solar system when we were in the space room

Friday, October 18, 2013

Our descriptive sentences!

W.H There was ginormous sand dunes and lots of that heat burning sun on Mars.

K.R Astronauts wore cream, white suits and huge bulky boots. Rovers would cautiously scatter across the unstedy ground. It was frightening for every brave man, who walked across Saturn.

R .W My  friend Bob is going to the moon,  the moon is  dusty dark and as hard as steel.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Blast off into space!

This term we are going to be looking at 'Our place in space' and why Earth is the planet for us!
It is going to be a lot of fun and I am sure we will all learn a lot about our galaxy.
3...2....1.....BLAST OFF!